Intervention Orders

Family Violence Intervention Orders


Family Violence has a broad definition, and includes any form of physical, emotional, mental, financial or social abuse by one person to another who are or have been in a relationship.


This might look like:
– hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, pushing or choking;
– continual name-calling and put-downs;
– making you have sex or perform sexual acts you do not want to do;
– threatening to assault you or your family members;
– stalking you or damaging property;
– physically restraining you from leaving;
– withholding your income and tracking every dollar you spend.


If you think you might be a victim of family violence, there are lots of services throughout West Melbourne who can assist you in getting back on your feet such as Women’s Health West and Djerriwarrh Health Services.


Concerns for your safety


If you have immediate concerns for the safety of yourself and your children, you should contact 000 immediately. You should also receive legal advice as soon as possible, so that you can make a safety plan and obtain referrals to support services to help get you back on your feet.

We can also assist you in applying for an Intervention Order, which is a court order that tells the other person it is a crime to come within a certain distance of you and anyone else named on the Order, or commit further family violence against you.


Personal Safety Intervention Orders


Personal Safety Intervention Orders are also available, for situations where someone like a colleague, neighbour or friend has threatened you or behaved aggressively towards you and is causing you to feel harassed, intimidated or scared.


Defending yourself against an Intervention Order application



Contact Us


Contact us today to make an appointment with our of our lawyers to determine the best options to protect your safety, and the safety of your loved ones.

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